Friday, November 16, 2007

On Global Warming

Skewed are the interpretations of the seemingly authoritative meteorological scientists which suggest that developing countries as India are responsible for the increased smog in the sky thereby causing increased Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) which inhibits solar ray penetration resulting in less intense sunshine on earth's surface, which means less of warming. The researchers say that the factors of AOD are industrialisation, vehicular pollution, biomass burning, dust storms etc. India, that means, is getting cooler as it is in the development phase and the developed part of the world is getting rid of smog and hence lesser AOD, clearer skies and intense sunlight and higher temeperature. If the solar dimming due to increase in AOD can cause the cooling effect on the dimmed earth, the world all over should have perpetual industricalisation and constant vehicular pollution so as to prevent the fierce entry of sunlight on to earth's surface !

I have been pondering over a simple principle in calorimetry, that is, when there are two objects, one hot and the other cold, the hot body emits and the colder body abosrbs heat and this process continues till there is a temperature equilibrium between the tow bodies. This state is known as 'Heat death'. In the present context the two bodies being the sun and the earth, whether part of the developing world is experiencing cold conditions due to increase in AOD or the developed part of the world is getting warmer by the day and night, the overall temperature in the earth system which includes the ionosphere and down to the earth is a colder body which is constantly receiving the intense sunlight by the day and night. This difference in temperature between the earth and the sun is causing life on earth, which would seemingly continue till there is temp equilibrium between the earh and the sun. Life on earth would exist in some form if not in the monstrous and greedy human form.

Selfish homosapiens that we are, we are so susceptible to minor chanage in temperaure. Greedy beasts that we are, we think less when development indicator is all economic. Non thinking intel is inside a computer and thinking idiot outside scheming economic growth at rocket speed at any cost. The result : too many and too fast movement of the greedy beasts from one place to another; making the round world seem flat and near in terms of digital and aerial reach with unbelievable speed. The paradox is when the digital world is the gretest leveller and human movement inhibitor, there is phenominal increase in the m ovement of people, which does not make sense. The pleasure seeking economically better off people movement by road, train and air are immense. In 2005 within a span of 24 hours over 2000 flights were cancelled in New York and Boston airports due to heavy snowing of about 23 inches. This number gives an indication as to how many thousands or millions of flights operate all over the world, every day and night, burning millions of litres of aviation fuel, most of which are burnt above the very cold zone of over 25 thousand feet above the earth. All the exudates from these flying jets while gravitate towards the colder polar region cause acid rains and the thermal difference between the polar snow mass and the surrounding jetty hot air causes melting of the ever hard snow mass, thereby causing the perceived increase in the sea level.

The solution is terminating all aerial flights; aborting all space programmes; stopping the quest for greener pastures beyond the earth and stay put at the place and point where you are and enjoy the blissful state that is here and now wherever you are ! In all people movements - helter skelter in their modern machines, you see them searching for happiness and hardly a few have realised and know that true state of happiness is not in the rapid dynamics of motion but in the laws of nature which postulates very little motion which are in sync with the movement of earth on its own axis and the life-beat system of its flora and fauna.

Greedy that we are , blind we are towards the perils we create in our speed today. The greatest contributor to the ozone depletion and greenhouse effect being the USA, they are cool to the perceived reality of environmental change and global warming for, they feel the days are the same and the nights; the seasons are occuring and the plants are flowering. Earth and its resources are there for being exploited and why ever imagine that there is some innate manmade catastrophe is in store, in our rapid strides in all developmental fronts be it in science or economics. Why should this generation suffer in austerity and least adventurism for the sake of a better tomorrow and the generation of the future of lwhich we are not sure.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Reality -Virtual Reality

Manifest values are effects of the childhood exposure (cause) so said some of the renowned psychologists like Dr.Eric Berne. Hence parental value system does not have any bearing on the child's value system as the latter is differently exposed. Indian youth behaves so indifferently, selfishly and without concern for the others and more particularly he less privileged - blame the senior generation. The truth is that they are directly responsible. During the childhood the senior generations in India were not exposed to the Digital world or the TV. That's why one would see value blend among the different generations born much earlier to the TV era. Values needed no driving down; they flowed down to next generation like the river water would from one place to another, with not much of deviation in the content.

But the advent of TV by a few, seemingly for the better quality of life of people, had and has its toll on the new lots, who perceive this idiot box differently. For the parents who internalised the TV uniformly across the length and breadth of India, the TV and its contents are virtual reality and a means to keep the ever active and troubling children quiet. Without realising that this TV which greatly helped them in making the children keep quiet by glueing themselves to the TV in fact is very much a Reality for the kids. Whatever sense and mostly non-sense beamed on theTV has a treamendous bearing in the formation of character in the young. Hence the value system of the young is differently enabled and there is bound to be a conflict between the young and the old.

It's surprising that everyone talks about this problem but rarely any empirical study has been more thoroughly and competently conducted and curative measures prescribed. Suggestions by everybody and sundry are aplenty but of no consequence as they are freely available and hence worthless!

The problem of value conflict is not limited one region or sect. In india the population fabric of which is made up of multitide of divergent value systems for generations, has now been sort of made united by the TV as the younger generation is uniformly selfish, americanised( that's what is beamed on the TV) least caring and amply apathetic towards others and people. Focus of the young now is on riches and self comforts ; least of all on wealth and comforts for all. Blame not the tomorrow for the today is the harbinger of tomorrow.!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


The decision by the TN Chief Min Karunanidhi to scrap ' astrology ' programmes in the Universities under his command is indeed laudable. A staunch rationalist that he is , he just doesn't mince words. He meant whatever he said about the 'Ram Sethu' aka 'Adam's bridge and it goes to prove his conviction in what he says. Astrology, numerology, palmistry from a proper perspective create employment opportunities to multitude of unemployds and that's it. Nothing more - say the rationalists. They should be right because they are not mere believers in theories. Prove your theory in the lab - they say and they are right in saying so. So was Dr. Kovoor - the absolute rationalist who did all the good things in his life on the most inauspicious days, dates and times that he lived his full life !

But, Einstein as he is so well known for his theory on ' relativity' detours from his rational mindset to the occult side of human thinking in making a satement on Mahatma Gandhi, for posterity, that the future generations will not believe that man like Gandhi really walked on the planet Earth with flesh and blood. He did talk about God and goldliness which perhaps is unpalatable to the sea of rationalists.

Cut to the Japanese !

The philosophisers of Managemworld, Japanese practise/ed differently from the Western principles of management. Their penchant for people development and family concept in true perspective was devoid of absolute vested interest of 'Organisation development' in terms of wealth orientaion from the western world of management, which the West called as theory Z, which was way away from the theory X and theory Y of McGregor. The Human element in management which was negligible like froth in the oceans had the power of the Pacific in catapulting many companies in Japan to be the market leaders in terms of quality and global competitiveness. Their absolute concern for the individuals ( employees nay family members) is bereft of wealth orientation but abundantly welfare oriented. Yet these companies who lay before the world 150 years masterplan when the companies will be buying the patents and relesing them to the public freely for their use! ( So stupid and self -sacrificing ).Highly irrational they are, instead of cost cutting and laying off employees in millions and boosting their profits in their balance sheets, they think very irrationally - unlike rest of the Americanised world where money, profits and self comforts over-ride all other irrationalities like seeing god in an indivildual, helping/feeding others, enhansing the comfort levels and quality of life of others, through self -sacrifice ( call it suicide) .

Cut to India.

Sri Ram is a concept - never a reality. Ram is a role model so are rest of the characters in the epic. The values enshrined in it are the bench mark values which is impossible to achieve , but one should emulate, say the irrationalist believers. To the rationalists the earth is mere mud whch can be used, disfigured, and misused in every which way possible, because it expresses no hurt. But look at the 'Mad' irrationalists or the so called believers : they consider earth as Godly mother and in the morning when they step on the mother earth, seek forgiveness; before ploughing the land for agriculture perform Pooja and seek forgiveness from this imaginary mother earth, because they see the scar on the face of the imaginary mother earth ! One believes that one should believe in what is seen and only lunatics believe in what is not seen.
Non-believer is a rationalist who sees and believes in what is around and in the lab demonstrations and the irrationalist is a blind believer in the meaningless antiquated values and concepts which are passed down through many generations and don't ask for proofs and demonstrations. They are blind and in the ever dynamic world they are stagnant and rotting in the old value systems. Gandhi was an irrationalist; he believed in antiquated values and impractical belief systems and in God !. It's only a few including Einstein say that this person won freedom for India through non-violence. Truth is that the British left India on their own because they could no longer bear the torture by the pests ( Indians). If this is not true , how could an irrational person ( Gandhi believed in God and if what is writen is true he uttered Hey Ram when he was shot by the bullets) using antiquated weapons like non-violence, self sacrifice and peace, hunger-strike etc achieve a huge task as freedom for India.

In a finite world of finite greedy beings who believe in 'here and now' making the most of the present living moment without bothering about the dead past (however big, great or small) and without trusting in the unborn future and saving for the future the mother earth and today's values, which will be dead values for the future generations ; making merry and seeking happiness through material things in the present moment is indeed sensible and saving the earth and upholding and prescribing dead old values to the finite beasts of the future, whom we are designing so digitally and practically today, is senseless. Betterment of the world is betterment of riches and 'wealth' is a misnomer used by economists and philosophers.

In the scheme of things here I am unable to choose from the finite, dynamic , materialistic sefish rationalistic principles ( reality) and infinite, idealistic, stagnant, spiriltual selfless irrationalistic concepts, and thoughts ( unreality).