Friday, November 9, 2007

Reality -Virtual Reality

Manifest values are effects of the childhood exposure (cause) so said some of the renowned psychologists like Dr.Eric Berne. Hence parental value system does not have any bearing on the child's value system as the latter is differently exposed. Indian youth behaves so indifferently, selfishly and without concern for the others and more particularly he less privileged - blame the senior generation. The truth is that they are directly responsible. During the childhood the senior generations in India were not exposed to the Digital world or the TV. That's why one would see value blend among the different generations born much earlier to the TV era. Values needed no driving down; they flowed down to next generation like the river water would from one place to another, with not much of deviation in the content.

But the advent of TV by a few, seemingly for the better quality of life of people, had and has its toll on the new lots, who perceive this idiot box differently. For the parents who internalised the TV uniformly across the length and breadth of India, the TV and its contents are virtual reality and a means to keep the ever active and troubling children quiet. Without realising that this TV which greatly helped them in making the children keep quiet by glueing themselves to the TV in fact is very much a Reality for the kids. Whatever sense and mostly non-sense beamed on theTV has a treamendous bearing in the formation of character in the young. Hence the value system of the young is differently enabled and there is bound to be a conflict between the young and the old.

It's surprising that everyone talks about this problem but rarely any empirical study has been more thoroughly and competently conducted and curative measures prescribed. Suggestions by everybody and sundry are aplenty but of no consequence as they are freely available and hence worthless!

The problem of value conflict is not limited one region or sect. In india the population fabric of which is made up of multitide of divergent value systems for generations, has now been sort of made united by the TV as the younger generation is uniformly selfish, americanised( that's what is beamed on the TV) least caring and amply apathetic towards others and people. Focus of the young now is on riches and self comforts ; least of all on wealth and comforts for all. Blame not the tomorrow for the today is the harbinger of tomorrow.!


Cauvery said...

poppy, nonsense. No point blaming the TV. Yes, you may blame letting children watch tv uncontrollably, which means blaming yourself, which of course you wont do. I love several things on the TV, and will always.

Cauvery said...

but yes, I like the clever articulations evident in the article.